League Rules
WHAM Fall, Spring, & Winter League Game Rules
USA Hockey rules will be in effect for WHAM games.
The WHAM women’s hockey programs are non-checking hockey programs, and slap shots are not allowed.
Each game will be comprised of three 18-minute periods, running time, with 3-minute warm-up before the game and 1-minute breaks between periods.
Games will start on time. The referees have been advised to drop the puck at the proper starting time, whether or not there are two full teams on the rink.
Teams must have at least 5 skaters (goalie not included) or be required to forfeit.
If a team chooses to forfeit (regardless of the number of players), a scrimmage can be played by dividing up the present players on both teams. If there are not enough present players to allow for 8 skaters on each team, subs can be used (making up teams of no more than 10 skaters per team). All players must be registered in that current WHAM league. Subs will be used on a first come, first serve basis.
No player may score more than three goals in a game. Anything beyond a player’s third goal will not be counted toward the team score.
Helmets, mouth guards, and hockey skates are required for each player, for every game. Full face masks are highly recommended.
The tag-up rule for off-sides will be in effect.
WHAM players are required to wear their WHAM jerseys during the winter season games.
Players who receive penalties should skate immediately to the penalty box and remain in the box for the duration of the penalty.
Only team captains may address disputes with the referees.
No alcohol is allowed on the benches or on the ice.
Intoxicated players may be ejected by the referees.
No children over the age of 5 will be allowed in the locker room unless okayed by the team.
Non-team members are not allowed on the benches, and everyone must have a helmet.
Players sharing a season may play in the same game only if one player is a substitute player for an absentee member of the team.
Each team will be assigned a goalie. Substitute goalies will be arranged between the goalie and the Goalie Committee WHAM board member.
Referees have the authority to eject players from the ice or out of the boxes.
WHAM has the authority to form a Mediation Committee to handle issues that are beyond the purview of the referees or captains.