New to Hockey?
We want to extend a warm welcome to you and say we are so excited you have chosen to play women's hockey!
We want to make sure your first year is FUN!! So here is a bit of information to introduce you to WHAM and women’s hockey in Missoula.
First, remember that hockey consists of many skills that build on one another. It takes time to learn this sport and you should not expect to be an expert on the ice your first year. All of us were new players at one point. The more experienced players on your team know you are new and will be there to offer suggestions and encouragement. Don’t worry if you are not the best player on the ice. Your only job this year is to go out there and have a great time!!
Typically each team has at least 1 or 2 new players on their roster. This has been the case in the league for many years. As you saw on the registration form, if you have a friend who has talked you into playing (good for that friend!!) you could request to play on the same team as that friend.
If you have any questions or concerns during the year, PLEASE talk to a board member!!! We are approachable people and will keep information in confidence if you ask us to do so! Board members always appreciate hearing from the newer skaters about how to improve the experience.
Winter League Facts
You will be assigned a jersey. Do not lose it. You will be required to turn it in at the end of the winter season.
You will know your entire year schedule by the first game.
Teams generally like to have their skaters at the rink at least half an hour before each game (to talk strategy, get tips, figure out positions, etc.). Teams also often have a get-together after games.
We do not have a formal system for team practices. Some teams will get together for public skate or stick and puck sessions that Glacier Ice Rink schedules. It is up to each team to decide if they want to do something like that.
The games are an hour long.
There are refs and scorekeepers at the games and we do keep track of stats (how may goals or assists) just for FUN!
Each team is assigned a team captain. Your captain is your connection to the WHAM board and to your teammates.
WHAM holds two general membership meetings, one at the beginning of the winter season and one in the late spring. WHAM also holds monthly board meetings and all WHAM members are invited to attend any board meeting.
There is a tournament at the end of the winter season (included in the registration price).
Communication between the board and players is via e-mail and postings on the web site and on our Facebook page. So pay close attention to your e-mails!! You do not want to miss out on fun opportunities sent out to the league. (Of course you can always call us if you need to discuss something).
We hope this information was helpful. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.
What Equipment Do I Need to Play?
To play in a WHAM game, you need to purchase/borrow the following pieces of equipment:
Hockey Skates
Hockey Stick
Hockey Gloves
Helmet with Full Face Mask and Chin Strap
Hockey Socks & Garter Belt/compression shorts
Shin Pads
Hockey Pants
Shoulder Pads
Helpful to have:
Water Bottle
Hockey/Sock tape
To to use hockey tape:
How to Put on Your Hockey Equipment Video
Tip: If you put your skates on after your breezers,
be sure to put on skate guards so you do not tear your breezers.